FGT's in-house laboratory includes state-of-the-art equipment that is consistently monitored and calibrated to provide accurate results. We actively participate in the AASHTO laboratory proficiency program as part of our in-house quality control measures. FGT was the first geotechnical consulting laboratory in the State of Maine to be accredited by AMRL. In addition, laboratory testing is performed by ACI and NETTCP certified technicians.
Timely laboratory test results are provided by phone, fax, or email – whichever is most convenient for our client needs. We understand the importance of timely reporting in order for our clients to make decisions necessary to keep projects on schedule.
Soils & Aggregate |
- Moisture Density (Proctor) Testing
- Grain Size Analysis
- Hydrometer Analysis
- Atterberg Limits
- Falling Head & Constant Head Permeability
- Triaxial Permeability
- Direct Shear
- Consolidation
- Soils Identification (AASHTO and ASTM)
Concrete: |
- Cylinders, beams, cubes, prisms, masonry assemblages and core testing of concrete aggregates
- Alkali-Silica Reactivity Testing
- Performance Testing - Freeze/Thaw
Asphalt: Aggregate Testing |
Gradation, Specific Gravity, Flat and Elongated Particles, Fractured Faces, LA Wear, FAA, MicroDeval, Washington Degradation. |
Asphalt: Hot Mix Asphalt Testing |
- HMA specific gravities and absorption TMD (rice test), stability and flow, Marshall, and SuperPave specimen fabrication, gradation, and asphalt content.
- Calculation of air voids, VMA VFA and PWL.